A Peruvian police officer dressed as the Grinch, Dr. Seuss’ green-furred cranky Christmas character, busted suspected drug traffickers in the South American country’s capital just days before Christmas.
Read More Police Officer Dressed As ‘Grinch’ Steals Holiday Cheer In Drug BustTag: Breaking News
Police Video: Thieves Surprised By ‘New Laws’ In Calif. That Make Shoplifting A Felony
Accused shoplifters were startled to learn that they might be slapped with a felony charge after “new laws” went into affect that crack down on low-level theft, according to police footage in California.
Read More Police Video: Thieves Surprised By ‘New Laws’ In Calif. That Make Shoplifting A FelonyU.S. Airstrike Kills ISIS Leader In Syria
The U.S. Central Command says its forces went through with an airstrike on Thursday that killed ISIS leader Abu Yusif in the Deir Ezzor province in eastern Syria.
Read More U.S. Airstrike Kills ISIS Leader In SyriaRemembering Christian School Shooting Victims: Rubi Patricia Vergara, 14, and Erin West, 42
The two individuals who were fatally shot during the Abundant Life Christian School shooting in Wisconsin was a 42-year-old substitute teacher named Erin West and a 14-year-old freshman student named Rubi Vergara.
Read More Remembering Christian School Shooting Victims: Rubi Patricia Vergara, 14, and Erin West, 42Frito-Lay Recalls Lay’s Classic Chips, Citing Possible ‘Life Threatening’ Allergy Risk
Frito-Lay is reportedly recalling 13-ounce bags of its Lay’s Classic Potato Chips due to fears that they “may contain undeclared milk” which can pose a “risk of a serious or life-threatening allergic reaction” to consumers, according to the Food and Drug Administration.
Read More Frito-Lay Recalls Lay’s Classic Chips, Citing Possible ‘Life Threatening’ Allergy RiskFBI Informant Pleads Guilty To False Claims Of $10M Bribery Payments To Joe And Hunter Biden
An FBI informant pleaded guilty to four federal charges Thursday for lying about a $10 million bribe that a Ukrainian businessman paid to then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter to “protect “ his firm from a corruption investigation.
Read More FBI Informant Pleads Guilty To False Claims Of $10M Bribery Payments To Joe And Hunter Biden