OAN Staff Pearson Sharp
3:30 PM – Thursday, July 11, 2024
Democrats’ latest effort opposing a bill requiring proof of US citizenship to vote exposes their agenda to allow illegal aliens to cast their ballots in the next election. One America’s Pearson Sharp reports.
It really shouldn’t be a surprise at this point—because we’ve been saying this for years—but the reason Democrats are so hot under the collar to open America’s borders to every parasitic low-life criminal from the third world is because they’re importing voters.
Democrats have destroyed America—and their only chance to stay in power is to get illegal invaders to vote for them.
If you don’t believe me, then you’re probably too dumb to argue with, but the Democrats just made their plan painfully obvious by blocking a Republican bill that would require voters to prove they’re US citizens before they vote.
The White House is coming down hard on a Republican led effort to pass an election integrity bill, which is designed to prevent illegal aliens from voting in our elections.
Imagine that.
Democrats opposing efforts to stop illegals from voting!
It’s called the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, and it would require people to provide proof that they’re actually American citizens before they can register to vote.
Now the Democrats claim this bill isn’t necessary—it’s already a federal crime for illegals to vote.
But if you think about it for more than two seconds, the Democrats’ explanation doesn’t make any sense.
It’s illegal for these illegals to be here in the first place—but they still broke the law, that’s why they’re called illegals!
So what makes you think they’re going to follow any other laws, including laws about not voting in our elections?
Yes it may technically be illegal for illegals to vote, but the problem is there are no safeguards in place to make sure it’s not happening!
Federal law prohibits states from checking to see if someone is a citizen—so how can anyone tell if illegals are voting or not unless you literally catch them in the act?
And even then, how would you prove it?
You’re not allowed to ask them for their citizenship!
“Democrats are willing to abuse power and defy the law in order to stay in power… :19 – “Why would they allow this invasion? And the answer is simple, they view those 11 million illegal immigrants as future Democrat voters. They want to stay in power.
To break it down, you have the same Democrats who swear they would never cheat in an election, absolutely horrified by a bill designed to stop them from cheating in an election.
Need I say more?
I needn’t, but I will.
During an interview back in May, Biden actually referred to the hordes of invaders flooding over our borders as “voters!”
They know exactly what they’re doing.
In fact we have actual evidence of illegal invaders admitting that they were registered to vote.
But Pearson, you paragon of intellectual prowess I hear you say, how can that be?
The democrats already told us it’s illegal for illegal aliens to vote, illegally.
Well did you know that there is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of US citizenship?
It’s true!
Anyone can vote!
All you have to do is say you’re a citizen—literally no proof required—and bam!
Biden’s your uncle.
Well, I hope Biden’s not your uncle, we’ve seen what he does to his nieces.
To prove this is a problem, official government investigations—including federal prosecutions—have shown thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote.
Just last year in Virigina alone, authorities discovered 1,500 illegals registered as voters.
And that number is only going up.
In the last few years, hundreds of non-citizens have actually been caught trying to vote—but there’s literally no way of knowing how many have successfully voted—the system is designed to hide that information.
We do know at least 19 states give illegals drivers’ licenses, and in places like here in California, that automatically registers you to vote.
After that, it’s up to the conscience of the person who’s here illegally to decide if they also want to vote illegally.
Illegals interviewed by undercover investigators said they were brought over by an NGO that’s trying to register Mexicans to vote, and that they plan to vote for Biden in November.
That’s bad enough, but we also have actual government agencies in 49 states, including welfare offices, that are handing out voter registration forms without requiring any proof of citizenship.
And here in California, we make it even easier: if you don’t have any official ID, that’s no problem: anyone living here can show up to the polls with a nothing but a gym membership… and cast their ballot.
I’m not joking, in California, if all you have is a credit card you can vote.
I’m sure that won’t be abused.
Seriously, give me one good reason why we should oppose laws protecting our elections?
Democrats say voter ID is racist!
Well if ID and proof of citizenship are racist when you’re voting, then they must be racist all the other times too, right?
For example, like when you’re boarding a plane; or getting a prescription; or applying for a job; or cashing a check; or applying for food stamps; or when you’re driving; or getting married; or adopting a pet; or when you buy alcohol.
You need valid government ID for all of those things: But not, for some reason, when you’re voting.
At this point, who even needs US citizenship?
If illegal invaders can come here from the third world, get social security numbers, get on welfare, get medicare, Medicaid, free housing, college, financial aid, food stamps, and vote in our elections—what the hell do you need to be a citizen for?
Our elections are NOT safe from foreign interference as long as we don’t demand proof of citizenship to vote in our elections.
The communists are conquering America—not with bullets, but with ballots.
For One America News, I’m Pearson Sharp.
- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/3072898/white-house-opposes-gop-election-integrity-bill-illegal-immigrants/
- https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/07/10/democrats-slam-popular-voter-id-bill-as-racist-and-xenophobic/
- https://dailycaller.com/2024/07/08/rooke-chip-roy-save-act/
- https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-roasted-freudian-slip-referring-immigration-influx-hispanic-voters
- https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/07/09/exclusive-rep-chip-roy-save-act-adds-safeguards-to-stop-non-citizens-from-voting-in-federal-elections/
- https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/07/illegals_are_indeed_getting_immediate_social_security_contrary_to_democrat_claims.html
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/undercover-video-exposes-illegal-aliens-admitting-being-registered/
- https://nypost.com/2024/06/14/us-news/how-non-citizens-are-getting-voter-registration-forms-across-the-us-and-how-republicans-are-trying-to-stop-it/
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/they-want-cheat-elon-musk-warns-democrats-are/
- https://www.theblaze.com/news/10-of-illegal-aliens-admit-they-re-registered-to-vote-heritage-foundation-survey
- https://www.zerohedge.com/political/shadowy-ngo-mexico-tells-border-invaders-vote-biden
- https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/25/californians-with-no-drivers-license-or-ssn-can-use-a-credit-card-or-gym-membership-to-vote/
- https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/06/government_agencies_in_49_states_giving_vote_registration_forms_to_illegal_aliens.html
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/they-want-cheat-elon-musk-warns-democrats-are/