Democrats Hope To Steal Election By Registering Illegal Aliens To Vote

OAN Staff Pearson Sharp
1:46 PM – Monday, August 12, 2024

Democrats are working overtime to secure the election in November, and a new undercover investigation shows they could be relying on votes from illegal aliens to win. One America’s Pearson Sharp reports.


There’s nothing in life Democrats love more than raising taxes, and there’s nothing they hate more than using a photo ID to vote.

And because the Democrat party is infested with corrupt, perverted, Satanic communists bent on destroying our nation, naturally they’re doing everything they can to wipe out our voter ID laws.

But, to be fair, they have a very good reason for that: the people they’re counting on to vote for them are not American citizens.

That’s right, the next biggest voting bloc in the United States are citizens of other countries.

That sounds crazy on the face of it, but in July we saw first-hand how the Democrats stood together in a unified bloc and voted against a bill that would require voters to prove they’re US citizens.

Why would they possibly oppose a bill protecting our elections from foreign interference?

Well, now we know why.

There’s some incredible undercover footage from the investigative team over at the Heritage Foundation revealing a staggering 14 percent of illegal aliens are registered to vote.

Remember—this is despite Democrats’ insistence that no, illegals are not registered to vote, and in fact it’s impossible for illegals to register, or vote.

It may be “impossible,” but apparently a lot of illegals have already voted!

Now to be clear this investigation was conducted at a single apartment complex in Georgia.


This was a random sampling, and if that 14 percent holds true across the state—that means some 47,000 illegal alien colonizers are registered to vote in a state Donald Trump lost by less than 12,000 votes.

That’s almost four times the number of voters Biden would have needed to win, if we go by the 2020 election.

Nationwide, it’s even worse.

There’s no way to accurately tell, because the government conceals this information, but the best estimates show something like 40-50 million illegal aliens living in America.

That sounds insane, but just think—in the last four years alone, Yosef Biden has opened the door for an astonishing 15-20 million more illegal invaders.

That’s a really hard number to wrap your head around, but if we take the roughly 40 million who are here now, almost certainly forever, and apply the 14-percent, we come up with 5.6 million new voters.
What do the Democrats always claim?

Biden won 2020 by 7 million votes?

Well looks like we found his voting bloc.

And even if we’re skeptical, and say, ‘Well, that was just one apartment complex, you can’t extrapolate anything meaningful from those numbers.’

True, but it’s not the only one.

Back in the beginning of July, the Heritage foundation did another undercover report, this time in North Carolina, and found at least 10 percent of illegals were, in fact, registered to vote in the upcoming presidential election.

“Are you currently registered? Yes. Are you a citizen, or? No. Are you registered to vote? Yes. And are you a citizen? No.”

And last year in Virginia, authorities discovered another 1,500 third-world degenerates registered as voters.

Are you getting the picture?

This is happening, it’s real—illegals are registered to vote, and if you think for some reason they won’t vote in this next election, then you’re stupid.

This is why the border is open, this is why Camel Hairy Ass hasn’t lifted a finger since she become border Czar, and this is why the democrats think they have the 2024 election locked up no matter who they run for president—even someone as dumb as Willie Brown’s hand-me-down’s Harris.

That’s why mail-in voting is so important to Democrats, because it means these welfare sponges can drop off an endless number of phony ballots—and because they don’t need an ID to register or vote, Token Harris has a golden goose to lay as many votes as she needs, wherever she needs them.

At least 19 states give illegals drivers’ licenses, and in places like here in California, that automatically registers you to vote.

And Kamala’s new right-hand stooge, good ol’ Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz—who has done everything in his power to keep the borders open—is also a big fan of helping illegals vote in our elections.

In fact, just last year, Tiny Tim passed a law giving these fence-jumping colonizers driver’s licenses, which makes it all but certain they can and will be voting in November.

After all, what’s to stop them?

Literally nothing.

This is a good time to mention that Tampon Tim also passed laws giving the America-hating illegals free healthcare, and free college tuition: something not even the legal, American citizens of Minnesota can get.
Now there’s another point about these voter ID laws I want to discuss, and it’s important because it always gets covered up: even though Democrats call them racist, and say IDs stop people from voting, well over half the states in the nation require ID when you go to vote!

That’s right—35 states require voters to present valid government ID when they vote, and no one has a problem with it.

For some reason, Democrats claim voter ID stops black people from voting—implying black people aren’t smart enough to get a photo ID?

Who’s racist now?

Ignoring that, Texas—the state with the highest population of black people in the nation—also has strict voter ID laws, and requires voters to present a photo ID when they go to vote.

And so far, that hasn’t stopped any black people from exercising their Constitutional right to vote in America’s elections.

Voter ID laws aren’t racist—they’re critical for our democracy to function.

But with completely open borders and the giggling goon promising “mass amnesty” for all her new voters, there’s a good chance real Americans won’t have any say at the polls this November. For One America News, I’m Pearson Sharp.


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