Nebraska lawmakers have advanced a bill in its second-round of debate that requires voter ID from state voters.
Read More Nebraska Voter ID bill advances among voter fraud concernsTag: voter fraud
Rep. Matt Gaetz warns Ariz. and Ga. Audits to reveal pattern of nationwide election fraud
With audits in Georgia and Arizona uncovering major discrepancies in ballot integrity, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) warns this evidence reveals a pattern of nationwide election fraud. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.
Read More Rep. Matt Gaetz warns Ariz. and Ga. Audits to reveal pattern of nationwide election fraudU.S. District Court judge finds Georgia’s voting systems are potentially vulnerable to hacking, interference
A lawsuit filed in the state of Georgia claimed the state’s voting machines are vulnerable to hacking and foreign interference.
One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on the story.
Montana election audit reveals 5K mail-in ballots had irregularities
Investigations into elections are still taking place across the country, now with the state of Montana finding significant voting irregularities.
One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.