OAN’s Abril Elfi
1:41 PM – Sunday, November 26, 2023
A South Korean true crime fanatic has been given a life sentence after she murdered a stranger “out of curiosity.”
According to police reports, 23-year-old Jung Yoo-jung had been obsessed with crime shows and novels and scored very high on a psychopath test.
Yoo-jung decided that she was curious about what it felt like to murder someone.
Fixated with the idea, Yoo-jung used an app to meet up with an English language tutor and then stabbed her at her home in May.
According to reports, the killer posed as the mother of a high school student who needed English lessons, and she contacted the 26-year-old victim.
Yoo-jung then showed up at the tutor’s house dressed in a school uniform she had bought online and attacked her after she was let into the home, stabbing her more than 100 times.
After dismembering the woman’s body, she drove a taxi to a remote parkland near a river, north of Busan, where she dumped some of the remains.
The taxi driver informed police about a customer who had dumped a blood-soaked suitcase in the woods, leading to her arrest.
According to police, Yoon-jung had researched for months on how to kill and dispose of a body.
They also stated that she was caught on CCTV cameras many times leaving the tutor’s home.
A Busan District Court sentencing judge stated on Friday, that the murder had “incited a general distrust” and “spread fear in society that one can become a victim for no reason” in the neighborhood.
Jung, who admitted to the crime in June, begged for a lighter sentence, claiming that at the time she had experienced hallucinations and other mental health issues.
Her argument was dismissed by the court, however, noting that the crime had been “carefully planned and carried out, and it is difficult to accept her claim of mental and physical disorder.”
They stated that they observed that she had regularly changed her statements to the police. Yoo-jung first claimed that she had moved the body only after the woman was killed by someone else. She later stated that the killing had been the consequence of a fight.
Ultimately, she admitted that TV shows and crime dramas had inspired her to want to kill someone.
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