Man Attempts To Have Donald Trump’s Star Removed From Hollywood Walk Of Fame

Donald Trump was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on January 16, 2007 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Vince Bucci/Getty Images)

OAN’s Brooke Mallory
5:21 PM – Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The goal of one man in California is to successfully remove Donald Trump’s star from Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, making him the first single individual to attempt the move.


In an effort to have the former president’s star removed from the Walk of Fame, Hollywood Hills resident Andrew Rudick has spent the last three years filing requests for public records, obtaining court documents, attending city council meetings, and communicating with elected officials, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“The reasonably conveyed message to the millions who have walked past that plaque since 2021 is the city’s endorsement of a man who attempted a coup against the United States,” Rudick said at the Los Angeles City Council this month.

Since 2016, Trump’s star has required more than $20,000 in repairs due to vandalism and onlookers smashing it with tools, but it is unclear who would have the power to take it down given that various organizations, such as the City Council, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, and the Hollywood Historic Trust, have varying degrees of jurisdiction.

“The Chamber is authorized by the City to administer Walk of Fame ceremonies, select and honor the recipient, order the fabrication of the star and place the star in the sidewalk, but the Chamber does not have the authority from any jurisdiction to permanently remove a star,” said Ana Martinez, the chamber’s vice president of media and talent relations. “We don’t understand why people think we do have that authority.”

Trump received the star back in 2007 at the height of his popularity during his time on the television show “The Apprentice.”

“Donald Trump is a racist, fascist, and a threat to our democracy,” said Hugo Soto-Martínez, who represents the LA district where the Walk of Fame lies. “Since there’s no known precedent for removing a star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame, we’re looking into where the authority lies, what the legal issues may be, and what a process for it might look like.”

Rudick, however, claims that after years of research on the topic, he has concluded that the City Council has the ability to remove a star.

He suggested that the city attorney provide a report outlining the procedure as the first step.

Additionally, on Rudick’s personal X (Twitter) account, he does not shy away from expressing his hatred and fixation on the former GOP president.

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