The Real, Actual Problem With DEI Initiatives- As Seen In L.A.

Kristina Crowley - First LGBTQ Fire Chief LAFD, Kristina Kepner - First Lesbian Assistant Chief LAFD, Kristine Larson - First Black Lesbian Equity Bureau Chief LAFD (Photo via: Los Angeles Fire Department)
Kristina Crowley – First LGBTQ Fire Chief LAFD, Kristina Kepner – First Lesbian Assistant Chief LAFD, Kristine Larson – First Black Lesbian Equity Bureau Chief LAFD (Photo via: Los Angeles Fire Department)

OAN Commentary by Mike Allers Jr. 
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Whenever anyone attacks D.E.I., or diversity, equity, and inclusion – liberals will argue that it is simply a small town, White conservative fear that people of color and different sexual orientations are being forced into their schools and workspace. For a small minority, unfortunately, that may be the case. But most of the time, that could not be further from the truth. That is what limousine liberals would like you to believe that DEI is – simply providing more opportunities to those historically marginalized. These are the policies that coastal elites have been advocating for, because this is what they believe that it means. But it doesn’t do that at all. 


The whole purpose of DEI is not to empower anybody – but to dismantle and restructure-not for people at the very top, the White, progressive, latte sipping liberals in their fancy limousines-but for those of us that are deemed below them. It is vengeance of the highest order against us.  

The “D” stands for diversity, but they do not necessarily mean skin color. Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ben Carson are people of color. Are they welcome to the corporate table under these policies?  Absolutely not. 

Diversity to this corporatized agenda means simply various shades of liberalism and bold strokes of sexuality. It has nothing to do with background, diversity of thought, or ability – as long as there is a rainbow flag up in the office. It does not matter that you know how to put out fires, turn on a fire hose, or help anybody with basic medical attention. 

To them, it means how extreme you are in enforcing your vaccine mandate, and how many different partners you can host in the bedroom. For years people wanted you out of their bedroom and their business – under these rules, you are defined by it and how much you advertise your sexual partner of choice. If you get enough ice cream samples, they may hand you the Fire Chief Position.  

“E” is for equity. Equity means to have a stake in – to not just have a seat at the table, but to own the chair. So naturally, is this used to empower people of color who have historically been left out of conversations in terms of business, politics, and public safety? No. The only ones holding any shares are the corporate overlords who decide who to put into office to give you a direct seat at the table in foreign wars and nation building abroad. All of us have direct equity in the success of Ukraine – from their fancy new fire equipment that we could have used during this tragedy, to their souped up new military toys, to how well their economy is doing.  Is any of this helping a single mother in Compton? Or a young kid looking for a better education in south central? No – it is making you feel better about yourself that you were helping so many lives that are not your own. 

And the last letter – “I.”  It is supposed to stand for inclusion- but it really means exclusion.  It is used to justify shutting down those that do not participate in your line of thinking, your way of life, or vote for who you decide at the ballot box. This so-called inclusion is used as a cudgel against anyone or anything that upholds any sort of traditional, especially American, values. Race hustler and con artist Ibrahim X. Kendi in his book, How To Be An Anti- Racist,  says that any form of assimilation is a form of racism. That sharing any common value that bridges any divides amongst race, class, or economic status is indeed a form of colonialism. What better way for white liberals to feel better about themselves by punishing people they deem unworthy? And, of course, blaming those unworthy people for the sins of their ancestors- just to boost their street cred at their next book club. 

The road to hell is paved with good intentions – and Los Angeles has become a hellscape on earth. Money is diverted to make sure that all three of these letters benefit those in elite societies and their friends, and as a result-the rest of the people suffer. Is it tragic that 50, possibly 60 billion in homes and property value have been destroyed on the West Coast’s most beautiful piece of real estate? Yes, it is.  But maybe this is God’s way of opening up the eyes of the liberal overlords that live there – a Wake Up call to say that this is the consequence of the actions you push. 

(Views expressed by guest commentators may not reflect the views of OAN or its affiliates.)

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