Theodore R. Malloch and Felipe Cuello
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
A phrase has come into the Zeitgeist – calling people the “Trump of their field.” Elon Musk is the Trump of business. Meloni is the Trump of Europe.
Many leaders still do not know how to react to former President Trump; to his decision to control immigration; 3+% economic growth and, especially, to the absolutely justified desire to implement a pro-U.S., America-First policy.
Today they want it so bad after the Biden fiasco that they will do anything to get him back.
Europe too has now been awakened from its somnolence by the vigor and determination with which U.S. President Donald Trump has changed the face of America and indeed, the entire world.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, mainland Europe has been stuck in the old politics of the 20th century. The annihilation of the European Socialists in the European Parliament and the European Council (where they only count a handful of heads of state) is birthing a new European era.
That has become more evident with the overwhelming results of the EU elections over the weekend.
The main conclusion is that Ursula Von der Leyen does not deserve re-election. We had already called for her resignation and then her impeachment before the pandemic hit – there came plenty more grounds for it from then on. Whomever ends up picked as the EU President posterior to her can and should immediately launch an investigation into the entirety of her five-year mandate, with particular regard to the first Trump Impeachment and her relationship to Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla, Gordon Sondland, and the rest of the WEF-ocracy that so ably mismanages anything they sink their claws into.
The current juncture is as good an example as any to illustrate how pathologically unable to meet the moment she always is. During the Maastricht debate, a rare moment of truth came through when the moderators asked her – the sitting President of the European Commission, seeking re-election, no less – whether she would accept votes from “Far Right” (ha!) forces like the European Conservative and Reformist (ECR) parliamentary grouping. Never mind the fact that she wouldn’t have had the votes to win last time without them. She prevaricated, pleasing nobody.
And yet, as the returns came in Sunday night in this year’s EU elections, many months of well-reasoned triangulation with Italy’s Head of Government, Georgia Meloni instantly went up in smoke, when faced with the horrible prospect of a single bad news cycle, The “far right” made “major gains”!
Like the cheapest suit, Ursula folded immediately: announcing her intention to form a working majority with the Socialists and Macron’s Renew Party – the one that lost so many seats he had to call a snap election in France. Never wasting an opportunity to waste an opportunity, Ursula intended to absorb those elements into her coalition, but ended up ejecting them instead.
One hopes that Meloni will at least have enough self-respect and courage to rebuff whatever Ursula had offered her. As for the largest single national party grouping in the Parliament, Marine Le Pen’s, National Rally will also have to swallow its pride and lead her Identity & Democracy group into some sort of arrangement with Meloni’s ECR – at least for the duration of the “Anyone but Ursula” operation. European Conservatives need to work together for a change, not destroy each other.
Many unlikely allies will be more than happy to assist. The real operatives in the EU parliament are already on maneuvers shoring up support from interest groups like the Carmaker’s lobby – the Greens did lose 20 seats, after all. Germany’s largest party, ostensibly Ursula’s own home base, placed first within the Bundesrepublik and holds the most seats within the European People’s Party (EPP) – the ruling group that imposed Ursula five years ago. But Mutti Merkel is no longer in charge of it and is therefore unable to ride to Ursula’s aid this time around. The Christian Democrats are themselves allied with the Christian Social Union, a much more conservative Bavarian (read: Catholic) outfit that would fit in perfectly with Meloni’s ECR if they ever decided to split.
But it needn’t come to that. There’s plenty of unrest against Ursula within her own faction to block her in favor of a candidate further away from the European Left. Blocking her in late June should be enough of a scalp to keep the party going. And we haven’t even started on the European Council.
A weakened President Macron is about to lose his parliamentary majority in a hurry. Should young Jordan Bardella succeed in getting installed as the French Prime Minister, which looks likely in France’s two-round lower house system, Macron will see himself forced to install him as Head of Government. Whether or not Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National party scores a majority large enough to rid France of President Macron remains to be seen. However tempting that loss might be, the priority should be to replace Macron at the European Council with the new French Prime Minister. Meloni isn’t Italy’s President, after all, and there’s plenty of other Heads of Government who aren’t their country’s Head of State – Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Germany itself – France is in fact an outlier in this matter.
Up against the wall, dispensing with Ursula’s principal backer in the EU Council will be a deathblow to her aspirations and those of Macron’s EU party Renew Europe, the essential “bridge” force between the EPP and the Socialists.
As good a time as any to mention that the French EPP faction intends to vote against Ursula since the French votes in her favor come from Macron and not from them. At least, they used to until he lost all his seats to Le Pen. Scalp? Why not.
The Presidency of the European Council, a sort of EU Federal Head of State to the Commission’s Head of Government, is also up for grabs. So is the Presidency of the Parliament, all things considered, since the affable incumbent – Maltese EPP MEP Roberta Metsola – doesn’t have any great claim to it. Indeed, it was under her mandate that all of Ursula’s biggest slip-ups occurred. Parliamentary Scrutiny? Nowhere to be found. And yet, all three presidencies are negotiable in the extreme.
The European Council has enough heavyweights, such as Viktor Orbán and Robert Fico – to make do with the major reinforcements a French replacement would represent. And yet, the partisan question raises its head again. Meloni remains one of two ECR members of the European Council and so bringing in a French RN vote can only balance out Germany and Spain’s socialist members if they work together forming a bloc of six countries, which is possible, maybe even more now that Belgium’s PM is changing out too. He quit after the massive loss there.
At the end of the day, the parliamentary math is simple: The broadly defined “Right” has enough votes to rule on its own. Why ruin that by bringing in the reds? Forcing the hand of the EPP necessarily runs through Christine Anderson, the re-elected German AfD MEP who can provide the numbers lacking a naïve ECR-ID alliance on its own to surpass the EPP as the largest party. The grouping need not hold together after the congressional election in France and Ursula’s failed first attempt, both happening in late June. By then the sands should have stopped shifting and facts on the ground will have been created. Parliamentarians are herd animals after all.
In our book, Trump’s World, we showed how Trump has bent the arc of modern history in the US and how his doing so presages other leaders stepping up all over the world as popular sovereigntists win the day – as they did in Europe this weekend. Up until now the only major proposals on Europe from our book –– was letting Finland and Sweden into NATO and replacing Nordstream 2 with Freedom Gas. Perhaps the new authorities will be more receptive to good ideas from their friends across the pond.
Face it: the results are truly Trumpian in proportion. The scenes of victory were obvious across the entire European continent. The so-called “Far Right” has won and is ushering in a new conservative age. Over 440 million voters have spoken, and the Right has surged to new heights in an earthquake, leaving the undemocratic EU elites stunned. Globalism has failed and the people have taken note.
Yes, Europe, like the rest of the world, needs Trump in order to re-learn how to do politics, instead of winding endless tales from which no one understands anything, and no one takes any firm decisions. The Trump of America must again lead the world in uniting all of Western Civilization against an onslaught of weak, feeble leftists at home and abroad. Europe in 2024 needs Trump in order to wake up from its zealous overconfidence in its capacity to assimilate millions of non-Europeans into its cultures.
The world also needs Trump and America to relearn the value of the nation state and policies based on the community called the “nation.” It needs him to restore the family to its rightful place, to regain a path to peace and prosperity, and to allow real freedom and practice of faith.
Every nation in the world needs a president or prime minister like Donald Trump – pushing their nation towards its greater destiny.
Every nation needs presidents that put their nations first and fight for the interests of those who voted for them!
In our book, Trump’s World, we showed how Trump has bent the arc of modern history in the U.S. and how other leaders will do the same across the world as popular sovereigntists win the day.
Theodore Roosevelt Malloch was to be Trump’s nominee as Ambassador to the European Union. His remarks on BBC about the “EU needing taming like the former Soviet Union” caused a firestorm in Brussels. He is the only American to have been made persona non grata by the European Union for his so-called malevolent views and redefinition of trans Atlanticism. His book, co-authored with Felipe Cuello, was a best seller.
(Views expressed by guest commentators may not reflect the views of OAN or its affiliates.)
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