America’s Elections Under Attack

OAN Staff Pearson Sharp
4:30 PM – Wednesday, October 2, 2024

With November just around the corner, reports show America’s voting systems are dangerously vulnerable to fraud, illegal voting, and foreign interference. One America’s Pearson Sharp explains.


As the Democrats know, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

And the Democrats definitely have a tried-and-true method for stealing elections.

It worked last time, so why fix it?

Well they may not be fixing it, but that doesn’t mean the fix isn’t in, and now they’re fine tuning their, what did they call it again?

Oh right, their “extensive… and inclusive voter fraud organization.”

And after last time when they fixed it so that everyone now sends their ballots through the mail, this time they made sure they’ve got the people who deliver the mail firmly locked in for Kamala Harris.

It should be illegal for the people responsible for handling our ballots to endorse a presidential candidate, but here you have it: the National Association of Letter Carriers—which represents the entire US Postal Service—has officially come out loud and proud for good ol’ Kamala the Con.

But that’s not surprising, because leaked documents show that union leaders themselves not only support Kamala, but actively hate Donald Trump, calling him an “existential threat.”

The president of the Georgia union who wrote the letter has come out and protested that the letter was released without his permission—essentially, that he never intended for it to become public.

Well that’s a relief!

Glad to know they’re trying to keep their appalling bias a secret!

But controlling the mail and the people who handle it are just one prong in their strategy to steal the election.

Not taking any chances, the commie democrats are also mailing out thousands of absentee ballots to fake voters all across the country—including states like Wisconsin, where I’m sure these dead voters were excited to cast their ballots for Kama-lama ding dong.

Just take a look at North Carolina, where officials purged 750,000 ineligible voters from their registry, including 130,000 dead Kamala voters.

And over in Oklahoma, state election officials just cleaned up nearly half a million ineligible voters from their rolls, including another 100,000 dead Kamala voters.

But that’s nothing compared to Texas, where the governor has removed over a million ineligible voters, including thousands of felons, noncitizens and, of course, 500,000 dead Kamala voters.

Although if that’s still not enough, Kalahari Harris has the all-important vote from illegal aliens.

In Oregon, DMV officials mistakenly registered hundreds of noncitizens to vote—and in Virginia, over 6,000 illegals and noncitizens have been removed from the voting rolls.

Over in Alabama, the secretary of state uncovered a treasure trove of new Democrat voters, with over three-thousand noncitizens and aliens registered to vote!

Tens of thousands more have been discovered in other states like Ohio, Georgia, and Arizona, revealing as many as 14-percent of illegals may be registered to vote.

If that percentage holds true nationwide—and why wouldn’t it—that’s about six million illegals registered for the next election—more than enough to stop Trump from taking office.

Which is what California is hoping, since they made it illegal to require voter ID when you go to vote.

Which is probably explains why Kuala Lumpur Harris is turning migrants into voting US citizens as fast as humanly possible—they need every advantage they can get.

With help from George Soros, of course, whose organizations boast that they’re registering so many “immigrants and refugees” to vote that they can “sway the outcome of national elections.”

And when they aren’t registering dead people and illegals to vote, Kamala’s team appears to be illegally spying on President Trump’s campaign—just like Hillary did in 2016.

Obviously this is highly illegal, and the very definition of election interference.

But not a single word from the mainstream media, Kamala or the Democrats!

And if all that fails, maybe they’ll just have Trump killed—with Iran’s help, of course.

That’s right: it wasn’t enough that two Democrats failed to assassinate President Trump, now officials say he’s received “real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate him.”

Which apparently could involve the nine surface to air missiles that were recently smuggled over the border by illegal invaders.

Apparently there are already three kill teams inside the country, thanks to Kam-Mexico Harris’ open border.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Illegals voting, dead people voting, controlling the mail system, spying on Trump’s campaign, mailing out fake votes, making voter ID illegal, and trying to kill President Trump—not once, not twice, but actually hiring professional assassins with heat seeking missiles!

These are just a few of the Democrats’ strategies, so maybe now that we know—now that we can see what they’re doing, and all the ways they’re planning on stealing the election, maybe now we’ll be prepared.

Commie-Kamala and the Democrats are deadly serious about winning this election—at all costs.

Which means you and I, and the rest of America, should be just as serious about stopping them.

Because believe me, if we lose this time—we won’t ever get another chance. For One America News, I’m Pearson Sharp.


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