As the United States gets closer to the possibility of its first-ever default, Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy stated on Tuesday that there has been “no progress” in the debt ceiling talks between House Republicans and the Biden administration.
Read More McCarthy says Biden has made no debt ceiling progressTag: REPUBLICANS
House GOP celebrates passage of parental rights bill
As parents grow more concerned about what their kids are learning in schools, Republicans are pushing back to protect their innocence.
Read More House GOP celebrates passage of parental rights billHouse Republicans pass Parents Bill of Rights
The House voted to pass the Parents Bill of Rights Act on Friday. The GOP-sponsored legislation was aimed to provide parents with more information about their children’s education.
Read More House Republicans pass Parents Bill of RightsFormer CDC director testifies before Congress, provides evidence Anthony Fauci covered up COVID lab leak theory
Meanwhile, with Republicans back in charge in the House, lawmakers are finally investigating Anthony Fauci and his role in covering up the origins of the Chinese CORONAVIRUS.
Read More Former CDC director testifies before Congress, provides evidence Anthony Fauci covered up COVID lab leak theoryConservatives look to Donald Trump for leadership as position for next Speaker of The House opens up
With the Republicans taking over the House in January many conservatives are hoping that Donald Trump will step forward and take over as the next Speaker of The House.
Read More Conservatives look to Donald Trump for leadership as position for next Speaker of The House opens upJoe Biden and Democrats Responsible for Deaths Caused by Their Extremism
Violence caused by left wing extremists is on the rise, and many believe Joe Biden and his speeches that dehumanize Republicans are directly responsible.
Read More Joe Biden and Democrats Responsible for Deaths Caused by Their Extremism