Police are now integrating artificial intelligence within their police reports to speed up the process from 30-45 minutes, to around 8 seconds.
Read More Police Departments Beginning To Integrate ‘Game Changer’ AI Technology Into ReportingTag: reporting
Southern California School District Sues Gov. Newsom Over Pronoun Change Notification Ban
A Southern California school district that is involved in a legal battle with the state over parental rights in school, sued Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom Tuesday over a new law banning districts from requiring that parents be notified if their child decides to change their gender.
Read More Southern California School District Sues Gov. Newsom Over Pronoun Change Notification BanBrutal Attack on Christianity & MSM Reporting
The attack on Christianity continues as a bishop was stabbed multiple times while hosting a livestream.
Read More Brutal Attack on Christianity & MSM Reporting