Some western banks are lobbying against EU proposals to redistribute billions of euros in interest earned on frozen Russian assets.
Read More Western banks warn of risks in EU plan to grab Russian assets, sources sayTag: Litigation
Apple antitrust suit mirrors strategy that beat Microsoft, but tech industry has changed
The U.S. government’s antitrust lawsuit against Apple draws on the watershed 1998 case that broke Microsoft’s stranglehold on desktop software.
Read More Apple antitrust suit mirrors strategy that beat Microsoft, but tech industry has changedBayer shares fall nearly 6% on court order to pay $2.25 bln in damages
Bayer was ordered to pay the highest amount yet in its ongoing litigation linked to an alleged carcinogenic effect of its Roundup weedkiller.
Read More Bayer shares fall nearly 6% on court order to pay $2.25 bln in damagesTrump Appeals Colorado Disqualification, Asks SCOTUS To Overrule Ruling
45th President Donald J. Trump’s legal team has filed an appeal to the United States Supreme Court to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court ruling removing the former president from the state’s GOP primary ballot.
Read More Trump Appeals Colorado Disqualification, Asks SCOTUS To Overrule RulingCOVID Litigation Summit This Weekend!
with Warner Mendenhall
Read More COVID Litigation Summit This Weekend!