Apple clarified that it has never sold the data collected by its Siri voice assistant or used it to create marketing profiles.
Read More Apple clarifies Siri privacy stance after $95 million class action settlementTag: apple watches
Apple to pay $95 million to settle Siri privacy lawsuit
Apple agreed to pay $95 million in cash to settle a proposed class action lawsuit claiming that its voice-activated assistant violated users’ privacy.
Read More Apple to pay $95 million to settle Siri privacy lawsuitSpirit Airlines Passenger Tracks Down Stolen Luggage, Airport Worker Charged
Using her Apple Watch, a Spirit Airlines passenger was able to locate her lost luggage, ultimately revealing that her belongings were in the home of an airport employee who had stolen her suitcase.
Read More Spirit Airlines Passenger Tracks Down Stolen Luggage, Airport Worker ChargedApple to halt US sales of Series 9, Ultra 2 smartwatches on patent dispute
Apple said it would pause sales of the smartwatches as it deals with a patent dispute over the technology that enables the blood oxygen feature on the devices.
Read More Apple to halt US sales of Series 9, Ultra 2 smartwatches on patent dispute