By Theodore R. Malloch
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

This photo has become an iconic American classic.
Everyone instantly recognizes it, where it took place, and what happened when an assassin’s bullet scraped President Donald Trump’s ear, missing his head by just millimeters and thus sparing his life.
Let us assess what happened. How it happened. Why it happened. And finally, what it means.
An attempted assassination of former president Trump took place at his mass rally in Butler, Pennsylvania last Saturday afternoon. Trump was shot and survived a bullet hitting his right ear. One father of two young girls, husband, faithful Catholic, and firefighter hero was killed. Two other attendees were badly injured and are now fortunately off the critical list.
Make no mistake, this was a planned, orchestrated assassination of a former president, the leader of the Republican Party and its nominee to be president again in 2024.
It was an act of political violence by a twenty-year-old who was incited to the act by the political rhetoric of the left and by President Biden himself, who just weeks before called for targeting Trump and putting him in the bullseye. Others in his party or affiliated with it have for years suggested Trump’s head be cut off, that he be stabbed to death as in a Shakespearean play or dismembered and killed.
The tragedy occurred because of deliberate actions by the Secret Service, which falls under the Department of Homeland Security run by its notorious, and now held in contempt, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Implicated too are the FBI, run by Christopher Wray, and under the power of the vengeful Attorney General, Merrick Garland. Neither can be trusted any longer and they will certainly not give a full and transparent review of the incident or the killer and his motives, funding, or ideology.
The Secret Service, charged with guarding presidents and formers, simply failed to do its job. The perimeter of the area was not secured. There were security lapses galore. Communications broke down. Agents were displaced to Pittsburgh to cover the first lady, Jill Biden, and removed from the Trump event. Temps were hired and were not trained or coordinated. Numerous people in the crowd saw and photographed the shooter and notified police about his whereabouts on a roof just 130 yards from the podium. Nothing was done.
Trump’s team has repeatedly asked for more coverage and security and was refused. The agency has also turned down, until yesterday, all coverage of Robert Kennedy, Jr. whose uncle John and father, Robert, Sr. were both themselves assassinated. Why? Because he is a dissident Democrat, and he takes votes away from that ticket.
The head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, should be fired immediately. She has not done her job — period. She was in fancy Aspen, Colorado and couldn’t even “make” the press conferences. The Biden appointee is incompetent and more focused on woke DEI initiatives than security.
We all need to come to the realization that DEI leads to DIE. What more evidence do we possibly need?
The killer, Thomas Matthew Crooks, is a mystery, or is he? What about his phone records, tangled web, contacts with Leftist groups to which he contributed money, bomb making of IED’s and hand grenades. What more did and do he and his ilk have in store?
Was he inclined toward Antifa, the real threat to democracy that the FBI refuses to say. And why was this quiet, forlorn, but bright nobody featured in a long advertisement for the slick investment firm, Black Rock. Does it seem strange? Is that company and its Biden connections through Thomas Donilon, the Obama-Biden national security appointee directly connected in any way? The dark web has some answers, have a look yourself. So, let’s see how little the FBI discloses or covers up in the days and weeks ahead. Who helped him the assassin? Who funded him? Was it as some have suggested, even an inside job?
The entire narrative of the Democrat campaign against Trump, who is beating them, is that he is some kind of Hitler, a racist, and an authoritarian fascist dictator and must be stopped by any and all means necessary, or we will lose our democracy. It is this extreme language and irrational behavior that set the tone and the context for an attempted murder of Trump.
Biden and his smug media cronies are clearly to blame—no one else. Suggesting we lower the temperature and stop all this starts with Biden himself. He needs to remove all the politically motivated legal cases his wayward Justice Department has brought against Trump, today. It is not necessary to pardon him because he did nothing wrong and committed no crimes. That includes the lawfare waged against him by the politicized DA in New York and a crooked judge, all funded by George Soros. There should be no weaponizing of the judiciary in this country.
If you want “unity” as is claimed, then your words and your actions need to correspond. The attack on Trump has been constant and personal since the day he came down the elevator in 2015. It is hateful, evil, and despicable. Biden should go on camera asking for forgiveness for this episode which he created. If you seek civility, show some. If you want decency, then try being fair and decent. Stop lying.
Trump has borrowed a page from another great American president, one: Theodore Roosevelt. TR was called, “a battery of inexhaustible energy,” so too is Trump. Teddy was shot in the chest during a campaign stop in Buffalo, New York, in October of 1912. The shooter at close range hit a spot where his metal eyeglass case and his speech saved the bullet from piercing his heart. He bled profusely but finished his entire speech. At the end he said, “it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.” Trump is now an honorary Bull Moose, an American warrior.
The Lord God spared Donald Trump’s life. He has been uniquely blessed. It is not luck or good fortune or some random act that saved Trump. Providence did it.
The president to be knows it and the purpose in it. The president is grateful to God and sees his redeemed life even more profoundly as a mission of service to this country, all of its citizens, and to the providential powers that have birthed and brought America to its’ greatness—which must be renewed and restored. He sees himself as the vessel to do God’s work. Listen to his acceptance speech closely on Thursday night at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and it will be all spelled out.
Believe me, Trump will use this to propel his second term in office. He will win an enormous electoral victory because as he screamed with fist in the air in Butler, PA, we will, “fight, fight, fight.”
But this moment will, in God’s grace, also make him a healer, healer, healer. He will be guided by the Holy Spirit and use his office to bring peace and prosperity in our country and between all nations. It is now his ordained destiny, and he feels it in the depths of his very soul. It has become his reason for living.
He will raise a hallelujah in the presence of his enemies.
He will raise a hallelujah louder than the unbelief.
He will raise a hallelujah as a weapon of melody.
He will raise a hallelujah bringing heaven to earth to fight for us.
In the middle of the storm louder and louder,
we are going to hear God’s praises roar.
Up from the ashes, hope will arise.
Death is defeated. The King is alive!
He will raise a hallelujah with everything inside him.
He will raise a hallelujah watching the darkness flee.
He will raise a hallelujah in the middle of mystery.
He will raise a hallelujah as fear loses its hold.
He will sing in the midst of the storm.
Louder and louder, you will hear his praises roar.
Up from the ashes, hope will arise again.
Death is defeated. The King is still alive.
(Bethel Music)
Like Saul, in 1 Samuel10, we have witnessed the anointing of a chosen leader. “He took a flask of oil and poured it over his head and kissed him and said, Has not the Lord anointed you to be the prince over his people? And you shall reign over the people of the Lord, and you will save them from the hand of their surrounding enemies. And this shall be the sign to you that the Lord has anointed you to be the prince of his heritage.”
Thanks be to God.
Theodore Roosevelt Malloch is the acclaimed author of three books on Trump. Hired: An Insider’s Look at the Trump Victory, with an afterword by Nigel Farage; The Plot to Destroy Trump, with a foreword by Roger Stone; and Trump’s World: Geo Dues, with a foreword by Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of Interior, Matteo Salvini.