Too Big to Fail Part II: NO MORE BAILOUTS.

OAN Commentary by Mike Allers Jr. 
10:05 AM – Tuesday, August 27, 2024

As Kamala Harris campaigns for the presidency, she is doing so on the classic Democrat strategy of free things. She is championing the Biden-Harris agenda of bailing out five million Americans, and is promising to bail out even more students in debt.


In regards to housing, she is promising up to $25,000 in federal assistance for first time homebuyers. It is a bold move-and certainly an increase from Biden’s $10,000 tax credit. Not only would these measures continue to add billions to our ballooning national debt, but it fails to address one problem-what about the people that scraped by to go to college and buy a home?

In an economy wracked by inflation, insane housing and car prices, any debt relief announcement on its surface of course may seem exciting- especially to College Grads second guessing what was the point of going to college in the first place when they cannot earn more than $50,000 a year. But with anything, you have to read the fine print. Harris claims this will be a huge boost to the middle class. What it is really doing is giving a big, fat bill from elitist universities on to the working class-the working class who already has to foot the bill for enough of the mistakes that go on in Washington committed by graduates from the same elite institutions.

For housing, Harris did not say it comes with the guardrails of certain income requirements, or prioritizing the working poor and shrinking middle class. Instead of growing this class with opportunity, it is actually making them pay for some rich couple in the Hamptons or the Hollywood Hills or Kalorama to purchase their first beach house or brownstone. This does not help anyone.  

I do not fit the mold of the stereotypical Millennial. I did not mooch off Mommy and Daddy till I was 26, wasn’t consumed by social media, and I certainly do not enjoy avocado toast. I was raised old school-told not to take anything for granted. I was told growing up that if I wanted to go to college, I had to pay for it. I had to work for it- so I started working at 14 years old. I was Class President and belonged to several Honor Societies. I took advanced and college classes in high school. But when it came time to graduate, I did the responsible thing- I attended Community College-where the same exact prerequisites are ¼ of the price at the average university. After finishing my two years, I transferred to James Madison University. I commuted from home, which was an hour away, taking classes twice a week and working at a bagel shop the remaining five days. I paid as I went. No loans. You see, I could have gone straight to university.  But instead of pinning all my hopes on scholarships, handouts, and Mommy and Daddy’s money, I chose fiscal responsibility. It was hard, and it was not easy, but I graduated debt free in 2014. I worked multiple jobs. I worked as a teacher, while my wife worked as a secretary.

We scraped and cobbled together what we could for our down payment. Where is my bail out? My refund for doing things the right way? The way that has always been done, no matter how hard? Kamala Harris does not provide details or draw redlines. Shouldn’t hard work and responsibility be rewarded? In a current Biden-Harris America, obviously not.  

Yes, college is ridiculously expensive and we should all come together to tackle that. But college is a choice. Any degree will do, and when you enter the workforce, you quickly find out that your degree does not always prepare yourself for real life. You might not even wind up in the job you went to school for. If you really want to go to Harvard or Yale, that’s great and we won’t stop you. But hardworking Americans should not have to pony up and pay for your expensive taste. There are ways to be debt free. But that starts with learning about personal responsibility- something the Far Left balks at time and time again.  Homes are different.  Everyone wants a part of the American Dream. I was able to afford my first home because of President Trump’s decision to slash interest rates to help working people. Should homes be more affordable and families be prioritized? Absolutely. 

Let us provide incentives and tax credits to grow families, and reward marriage-something the left refuses to do. These investments will make it easier to achieve the American dream. Let’s invest in growing America for the future and restoring the family as the centerpiece of this country. But instead, the far left would rather have you paying for someone else’s liberal arts degree or McMansion. Do not let these bold proposals from Kamala or anyone on the left fool you- it is all a scheme, couched in the warm comfort of expanding the American Dream, only to just bail out their elite coastal friends and their very rich kids. 

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