By Theodore R. Malloch
March 8, 2023
(Views expressed by guest commentators may not reflect the views of OAN or its affiliates.)
The 1983 comedy-drama movie, under the title “Risky Business,” found Tom Cruise, as a Chicago teenager looking for fun at home while his parents are away, but the situation quickly gets out of hand. My favorite line in the film, was a hip, very young Cruise saying, “Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity makes your future. So, your parents are going out of town. You got the place all to yourself.”
Risky Business is often lumped in with the many other teen sex comedies, but the film subverts the genre and is actually a grim satire about the chauvinist fantasies in 1980s America and how they will inform the decade’s patriarchy. In other words, humor rang true and predicted the future.
Last week the World Economic Forum released its annual World Risk Report.
Like Risky Business, it is equal parts comedic and tragic. It is so far off the mark of any sober and objective analysis that it might be worthwhile to suggest just how foolish, biased, and crazy it is. Why do some leaders and the lame media take this slick fecal matter so seriously and give it the time of day? Here is the press conference where they unfurled their stupendous findings for 2023. See: https://www.weforum.org/videos/global-risks-report-2023-launch-press-conference-english
If you want to know what the Swiss-based, globalist WEF ranks as the top ten risks over the next period, here is their definitive list. Ask, how do they match up with your real risks?
Global Risks Report 2023
Top 10 Risks
- Cost of living crisis
- Natural disasters and extreme weather events
- Geoeconomic confrontation
- Failure to mitigate climate change
- Failure of climate-change adaption
- Natural disasters and extreme weather events
- Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse
- Large scale immigration due to climate refugees
- Erosion of social cohesion and
societal polarization - Widespread cybercrime and
cyber insecurity
Note that eight of the ten have to do with climate change in one fashion or the other and even widespread immigration and societal polarization, according to their novel analysis, stem from the same ecological source. The root of all our travails is, accordingly, evil carbon fuels and their effects on the planet. Like a broken record it is their one hit theme and no alternative scenarios or contra evidence is allowed. There is no debate — just partisan ideology.
The WEF Risk Report revolves around five key findings or hyped-up fear based themes, none of which are true.
A Rollback in human development.
With inflation, low growth, low investment and the spreading war in Ukraine, let alone the aftermath of the pandemic, the WEF sees the decoupling of supply chains and the rise of hyper-nationalism. Massive debt distress, even given a wished for soft landing, will affect lives and human vulnerability. The most urgent need, says the WEF, is the quick transition to new energy systems away from fossil fuels.
Geopolitical fragmentation and warfare.
For the WEF economic warfare is becoming the norm. Sovereignty is the culprit, with rival powers trying to build their own self-sufficiency. The cycle of distrust is hurting all institutions. Hotspots brought on by excessive military expenditures are leading to a global arms race, often employing emerging technologies.
Technology exacerbating inequality and cyber threats.
R&D is advancing in AI, quantum computing, and biotechnology, sometimes with dangerous results. The WEF believes, new health threats, food insecurity, and climate migration, are imperiling humankind. Widening mis-and dis-trust interacts with cybercrime and attacks are on the increase.
The collapse of nature.
The WEF states that climate and environment are the core global risks over the short and medium term. For these we are the least prepared. Insufficient progress has been made with dire results; planetary eco-collapse is now they claim, entirely possible.
An erosion of resilience by inflated costs of food, fuel, and vulnerability.
The cost of living has dramatically risen and is especially hard on less developed countries. Unrest is rising and political instability is exacerbated. Energy markets are at the center of this travail. Polarization is one outcome in developed as well as underdeveloped countries. There is less centrism and much more volatility, according to WEF analysis.
If you want to get depressed quickly and turn your soul and pocketbook over to the woke ESG elite, then this report was written with you in mind. It is not just depressing but monocausal and can easily be turned into a globalist pipe-dream for unilateral undemocratic action, curtailment of all freedoms, any form of socialism, and a dictatorial one world government.
Who would have thought the WEF so-called ‘experts’ wanted that? I think it is their true intent. Hint: the report was funded by Marsh and Zurich Insurance to the tune of millions of dollars. Many giant multinational corporations are in on it too. Afterall, the WEF does call it, The Great Reset, which is their overt attempt to redirect the human future along globalist and transhuman lines to overcome what they now term the “polycrisis.”
Polycrisis is a newly minted WEF term for “present and future risks which can also interact with each other to form a ‘polycrisis’– a cluster of related global risks with compounding effects, such that the overall impact exceeds the sum of each part.” Yes, the cascading cluster f*ck and connected crises we find ourselves in, anno 2023, demands a new descriptor. The scale of our problems is beyond worrisome and they claim, unprecedented.
In other words, scaremongers have a huge opportunity. Even our past dictionaries and vocabularies don’t have a word to sum up all the strife and doom. The new one: polycrisis—sounds most ominous and requires immediate actions. Doomsday awaits.
We need to cede all power and control to the extraterrestrials, like John Kerry and the toney private jet-set, so we can survive the coming ecocide. We’ve been told it is coming since at least Thomas Malthus in the early 19th century, and again and again, with Paul Erlich’s Population Bomb in 1968, and all the Al Gore (Un)Truths. The pseudo-science behind this line of calamitous thinking, a one trick pony, should be exposed once and for all. Put it to rest for what it is, false science, absurd analysis, based on bad assumptions, leading to desperate apocalyptic recommendations.
I personally prefer the good old, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, myself. Found in the book of Revelation, chapter 6, John of Patmos, names the four plagues: Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. Theologically, Christians through the ages have interpreted his vision as the harbinger of the Last Judgement, setting on end times in our fallen world. The cultist WEF Schwabians, sipping schnaps in the alpine mountains at Davos, would do well to study the Bible, if they want to prognosticate seriously about risk and how to ultimately overcome it.
Ted Roosevelt Malloch is CEO of Roosevelt Global Fiduciary LLC. He served as Research Professor for the Spiritual Capital Initiative at Yale University, Senior Fellow Said Business School, Oxford University and Professor of Governance and Leadership at Henley Business School where he co-led the Director’s Forum. His most recent books concern the nature of virtuous enterprise, the practices of practical wisdom and “virtuous business,” the pursuit of happiness, the virtue of generosity and the virtue of thrift. His latest book is Common Sense Business, co-authored with Whitney MacMillan, former Chairman and CEO of Cargill, the world’s largest privately held company. He has served on the executive board of the World Economic Forum (DAVOS); has held an ambassadorial level position at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland; worked in the US State Department and Senate; did capital markets at Salomon Brothers on Wall Street, and has sat on a number of corporate, mutual fund, and not-for-profit boards. He was very active in the Trump campaign of 2016. Ted earned his Ph.D. in international political economy from the University of Toronto and took his B.A. from Gordon College and an M.Litt. from the University of Aberdeen on a St. Andrews Fellowship.