OAN Commentary by Mike Allers Jr.
Monday, September 9, 2024
West Virginia is a place that gets cast aside by the coastal elites and our political prognosticators. We are a “fly over state”- a part of the rust belt. A reminder of the failures of free trade and globalists in Washington. We forgot about-mocked-used as a punchline. And yet, we feel the pain of those who cast us aside daily- we are impacted directly by the failures of Washington and lack of policies and action. And an open border-something the elite wants and will tell you is not a problem- we feel the brunt of everyday. We are a living testament of national inaction.
In this traffic that comes through the border are indeed migrants and families looking for a better life in America. But amongst them, hiding in the flock, are deadly wolves- Cartel members and “Coyotes” running drugs and human trafficking schemes through our porous border. Before we know it, West Virginians are dead from Fentanyl overdoses. This seems to be the pattern and the cycle, our people in Appalachia, our economically disenfranchised, being hit the hardest.
In 2023, the DEA has seized 1.76 Million deadly doses of Fentenal in West Virginia and our neighboring states. The Fentanyl is coming in waves from our chief Global Adversary, China, and trafficked through our Southern border. Border communities have had to make Disaster Declarations, because they are overwhelmed and under protected. By letting Title 42 expire, by not continuing President Trump’s Border Wall, the Biden Administration is not only harming those communities, but they are directly to blame for even more West Virginians that are going to die as a result of this carelessness. Harris, now in the driver’s seat on the trail, does not address how she would do things differently. This is a problem in West Virginia and America’s heartland. More than half of Americans, in a recent poll, believe China is intentionally killing Americans by exporting fentanyl- which flows through the border like water, and directly into the bloodstreams of West Virginia.
In West Virginia, we have taken steps towards cracking down on our drug crisis. Governor Justice has signed bills cracking down on drug dealers and pushers in our state. Attorney General Morrissey called for Fentanyl to be classified as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Our leaders in our state stepped up. Our congressional delegation, Alex Mooney and Carol Miller, have been very vocal about the need for a border wall. Capito and Manchin too. A secure border, plain and simple, would mean a safer West Virginia. A safer America. A stabilized America, not one plagued by drug deaths, human trafficking, crime, and lack of resources from those coming when we cannot even take care of our most in need citizens. So far, President Trump seems to be the only one that knows this. We may not be one of the states that are focused on this election season. But Americans across the country should look at us as an example of what the failures and lack of security from this Administration are capable of- and vote wisely this November.