OAN Staff Pearson Sharp
9:54 AM – Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Unusual discrepancies in early voting and mail-in ballots show the race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is a lot tighter than Democrats and the mainstream media are willing to admit. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.
Well folks, we’re down to the line.
The election of the century is upon us.
This is it—the decision that will make or break us as a nation, as a culture, as a civilization.
The 2020 election was bad enough—we all know it was stolen.
And friends, I’m afraid 2024 ain’t lookin’ any better.
After all, if they figured out how to successfully steal an election last time, why on earth wouldn’t they do it again?
We’ve already seen the mainstream media apparently warming up for the next steal, and getting caught airing early election results showing Kommie-mala beating Donald Trump.
So I want to run through a few of the instances of voting irregularities we’ve already seen in just the last week or so—because we can’t afford to let our Republic die at the hands of these bloodthirsty globalists.
First of all, we know Democrats are counting big on illegals voting in this election, that’s why they blocked efforts to require photo ID and proof of citizenship to vote this summer.
That’s why Kamala and Biden have intentionally stopped states like Ohio, Florida, Texas, Virginia, and Alabama from removing illegal aliens from their voter rolls—until the Supreme Court stepped in and sided with the states.
And that’s after officials in these states have already caught illegals trying to vote—like in Ohio, where 6 people have been indicted for voting illegally in multiple elections.
We know thousands of illegals were registered to vote in states like Texas and Georgia—where else are they secretly registered?
How many millions are we missing?
In states like California, Washington, Illinois, New York, New Mexico, Maine, and Pennsylvania—to name a few—there’s literally no way to know how many illegals are voting—because not a single form of ID is required to vote.
Pennsylvania’s got a lot of problems though—like when police and Democrat activists illegally shut down the voting line and stopped voters from casting their ballots, three hours before they were allowed to close the polls.
And then over in Lancaster County, there’s an investigation into several thousand fraudulent ballots that were dropped off at election offices containing forms using fake names and addresses.
But that’s not all: in at least three other Pennsylvania counties—Monroe, Lehigh, and York—officials found even more fraudulent mail-in ballots and voter registrations, including ballots for dead people.
Now counting ballots from dead people can take a while—that’s probably why the Pennsylvania Secretary of State has warned that no one should expect election results on election night—they’re gonna need several days to count the ballots.
You know, like they did in 2020—when Trump was ahead by 675-thousand votes.
Does anyone remember when elections used to happen in just one night?
Well they don’t over in Michigan, where the secretary of state said the results won’t be available until at least the next day.
Maybe that’s because they need time to add in all the extra votes like the 164,000 “anomalies” that were recently uncovered, such as a single voter who apparently voted 29 times.
Now the RNC election integrity team jumped on this and determined a “glitch” was responsible, and it’s since been fixed; but how many other undiscovered glitches will it take for Kamala to win?
And it’s the same story in Arizona, where it’s apparently gonna take two weeks to count up the votes in Maricopa County.
Remember, this is the state that just discovered over 218,000 registered voters who haven’t provided any proof of US citizenship.
In Dallas, Texas, a poll worker found a piece of folded paper with usernames and passwords for the pollbooks just lying on the ground: baffled election officials responded and said “well that’s not supposed to be there!”
In Colorado, election system passwords were “accidentally” exposed on the secretary of state’s website—meaning the passwords to Colorado’s voting equipment were just put online for everyone to see.
The Democrat secretary of state responded saying, “Nah, don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” to which Trump’s campaign responded by sending a letter demanding an investigation and halting the mail-in ballots, claiming, “This disclosure directly violates the law and undermines the integrity of our elections.”
No cause for alarm! Even though there’s now an official investigation over fraudulent ballots that were somehow cast in Colorado’s Mesa County.
Meanwhile, a judge is giving Michigan and North Carolina the green light to essentially commit voting fraud—allowing voters who live overseas, and who have never lived in either Michigan or North Carolina—to cast ballots there.
Same problem in Oregon, where the voting portal apparently allows anyone to cast an overseas ballot with just a name and a birthday—no ID required.
In Wisconsin, statewide voting systems apparently had a meltdown on the first day of early voting, forcing thousands to stand in line for hours or even be turned away and denied their right to vote.
But that’s not the only problem in Wisconsin!
They’ve had massive voting irregularities, including mail-in ballots that are being requested by the thousands all over the state—at addresses that don’t exist!
Thousands of voters moved out of the state, thousands more live at nonexistent addresses, thousands more were duplicates—all in all, coming out to 31,000 ineligible ballots requested at ineligible addresses.
No wonder Wisconsin is a swing state.
In Washington and Oregon, hundreds of votes were destroyed when ballot boxes were set on fire by arsonists.
In California, a man discovered a stack of ballots apparently abandoned in a storm drain.
In Florida, hundreds of ballots were found in containers on the side of the road after they apparently just fell out of a county truck.
In Orlando, a postal worker has been accused of dumping thousands of pieces of mail, including election ballots.
In Minnesota, apparently hundreds, if not more, ballots were just left completely unattended in the back of an open minivan for all the world to see—despite officials saying they’re taking election security seriously.
In Detroit, the RNC has filed a lawsuit against the city for deleting ballot box surveillance footage—two weeks after it was requested as part of a FOIA investigation.
Now why would anyone delete surveillance footage of ballot boxes?
And last but not least—and no this isn’t a joke—despite all the apparent fraud they’re planning, Democrats are saying they’ll refuse to certify the election if Donald Trump wins.
Now remind me again, what was it they wanted to arrest Trump for?
Something about not certifying the election?
I guess we already know this ain’t a two-way street, but it’s good to have reminders in case you start thinking Democrats might actually believe in the rule of law.
This is just scratching the surface—there are more cases than we can possibly cover.
But just try to remember all these examples when they trot out the experts to try and tell you this was the most secure election in American history—since 2020.
Whatever happens Tuesday, we know one thing for sure: if Trump doesn’t win by a landslide, the election was stolen. For One America News, I’m Pearson Sharp.
- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/3207535/hundreds-ballots-discovered-after-fell-off-truck-florida/
- https://thefederalist.com/2024/10/22/oregons-voting-portal-appears-to-let-anyone-cast-an-overseas-voters-ballot-with-just-his-name-and-birthday/
- https://thefederalist.com/2024/10/26/here-are-states-where-the-biden-harris-admin-blocked-efforts-to-ensure-only-citizens-vote-in-elections/
- https://truthovernews.org/p/preparing-for-the-steal
- https://www.toddstarnes.com/video/live-judge-orders-illegals-put-back-on-voter-rolls/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=todd-starnes-newsletter&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=firefly
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/arizona-officials-it-will-take-nearly-2-weeks-to-tabulate-2024-election-in-maricopa-5746395?ea_src=frontpage&ea_cnt=a&ea_med=top-news-21-top-stories-0-title-1
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/vast-majority-of-americans-want-photo-id-and-proof-of-citizenship-to-vote-gallup-5747297?ea_src=ai_recommender&ea_med=desktop_news
- https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/federal-judge-orders-virginia-to-halt-voter-removal-program-put-people-back-on-voter-rolls/
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/six-people-indicted-in-ohio-for-allegedly-voting-as-noncitizens-5746277?utm_source=Goodevening&src_src=Goodevening&utm_campaign=gv-2024-10-23&src_cmp=gv-2024-10-23&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcecqZwADx4%2Fb5LIcrkVJBvp3zp7TxFYA1KMkEAiHPPIIAhU%3D
- https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/colorado-voter-fraud-cmc/
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/florida-postal-worker-accused-of-dumping-1000-pieces-of-mail-5748117?utm_source=Goodevening&src_src=Goodevening&utm_campaign=gv-2024-10-26&src_cmp=gv-2024-10-26&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcecqZwADx4%2Fb5LIcrkVJBvp3zp7TxFYA1KMkEAiHPPIIAhU%3D
- https://www.newsweek.com/texas-official-overseeing-2-5-million-voters-goes-missing-1972966
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/breaking-wisconsin-voting-system-experiences-meltdown-day-1/
- https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/10/11/democrats-signal-they-wont-certify-the-election-if-donald-trump-wins-n2180433
- https://x.com/BehizyTweets/status/1848512585626239476
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/top-pennsylvania-election-official-says-expect-several-days/
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/judges-reject-rnc-lawsuits-michigan-north-carolina-uocava/
- https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2024/10/21/here-we-go-again-michigan-official-doesnt-expect-states-results-to-be-certified-until-after-election-n2180864
- https://www.theblaze.com/news/florida-sues-biden-harris-admin-for-allegedly-hindering-removal-of-noncitizens-from-voter-rolls-dismantle-the-barriers
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/california-man-discovers-stack-mail-ballots-storm-drain/
- https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2024/10/21/here-we-go-again-michigan-official-doesnt-expect-states-results-to-be-certified-until-after-election-n2180864
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/dominion-voting-systems-issues-chilling-warning-conservatives-weeks/
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/31000-mail-ballots-requested-ineligible-addresses-one-swing/
- https://www.newsweek.com/dominion-lies-elon-musk-marjorie-taylor-greene-claims-1971743
- https://timesofamerica.news/florida-takes-legal-action-against-biden-administration-over-voter-roll-dispute/
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-sounds-alarm-voting-machine/
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/just-rnc-files-lawsuit-against-detroit-deleting-ballot/
- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/3195891/gop-sues-detroit-for-alleged-foia-deleting-ballot-drop-box-video-footage/
- https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-republican-national-committee-voting-box-michigan-detroit-1972066
- https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/rnc-lawsuit-detroit-deleting-drop-box-surveillance-footage/
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/here-we-go-voters-georgia-texas-shelby-county/
- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/did-brad-raffensperger-just-telegraph-2024-steal-georgia/
- https://alphanews.org/photo-shows-ballots-left-unattended-in-open-trunk-outside-edina-city-hall/
- https://archive.ph/KVKIG – selection-795.0-807.358
- https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4959357-appeals-court-gop-challenge-north-carolina-voter-rolls/
- https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/29/politics/north-carolina-appeals-court-overseas-voters/index.html
- https://www.yahoo.com/news/pennsylvania-video-does-not-show-151135984.html?guccounter=1